As a law firm dedicated to your creative and business success we like saying "Yes".
But there are a few important "No's" to consider before contacting us...
No Musicians / Promoters
Wood Media Law is NOT currently taking-on any music clients. Musicians and promoters/managers will find a better fit with a lawyer who deals primarily with that segment of the entertainment industry.
No Internships
Our office is fully-staffed at present. No internships or associate positions are available.
No Attorney/Client Relationship
No attorney/client relationship is formed by anything posted here or anything you may send us. Please do not submit anything of a confidential nature unless and until specifically requested. All such unsolicited materials will be discarded unread.
All information and opinion found on this site is presented "as is", with no warranty as to its validity or applicability to any matter. Your mileage may vary. Information here is of a general nature and shouldn't be relied upon in approaching a project or deal without first having a thorough legal consultation. So besides contacting us, which despite appearances we actually encourage, please don't do or refrain from doing anything based on what you may read here.
We do look forward to hearing from you now that's all taken care of.